Accepted Students and Families
Congratulations again on your acceptance to Solebury!
We are so excited to be at this moment with you and to have your family become part of our family! The information and events below are to help you as you finalize your school decision and then to help those of you who enroll to begin to find your people here and to have your Solebury years get off to an amazing start.
As always, feel free to reach out to Scott Eckstein with any questions you have.
Schedule for Orientation/Connection Activities
The below events are mostly for students to begin to get to know one another. However, there also are a few for parents to begin to get to know one another and to help you learn what you need to know.
NOTE: All Wednesday events (EXCEPT FOR THE MAY 22 EVENT) will be at 7pm EST.
Recurring Zoom Link for all virtual Events:
Wednesday, May 15 |
Scavenger Hunt |
Wednesday, May 22 at 4pm | 9th grade student and parent meeting to discuss and help with course selection. We will help incoming 10th, 11th, and 12th graders with this process individually. WATCH HERE |
Sunday, June 9 from 4 - 5:45pm |
In person gathering for new students and parents on campus. Location: Near Dining Hall |
Wednesday, July 10 |
Escape Zoom |
Wednesday, July 17 at 11am |
Session 1 of Get Your Questions Answered. Meet with the Dean of Residential Life, the Head Nurse, the Head Counselor, the Director of Student Support, and others to get answers to any questions you have at this moment. |
Wednesday, July 17 at 7pm | Session 2 of Get Your Questions Answered. This will be the same format as the 11am session and is designed as an option for those who couldn't make the earlier time. You should not come to both sessions. |
Wednesday, July 24 |
PowerPoint sharing. Develop a PowerPoint about something...anything. We have done this before and it was awesome. Some topics were, “Why pen spinning is cool”, “Why certain shapes of pasta are better than others”. You can present or just watch and observe. |
Wednesday, July 31 | Virtual Orientation Activity for Students - Specific activity to be determined |
Sunday August, 25 from 5 - 7pm | New Family Picnic. Location: Near Dining Hall |
Monday, August 26 - Friday, August 30 |
Fall Sports Preseason |
Tuesday, September 3 |
Boarding Students Move into Dorms. Full Day Orientation for Students and Parents |
Wednesday, September 4 |
Full day Orientation for Day Students and Parents. |
Thursday, September 5 |
1st Day of Classes |
Course Catalog 2024-25 Academic Year
Scott Eckstein, Director of Admission, would be happy to review anything shared above, or answer any other questions you might have. You can reach him at or 215.862.5261. Thank you!