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Thank A Giver Day | 4.11.24

What's Thank A Giver (TAG) Day?

On Thursday, April 11, the Solebury School community celebrated its 2nd annual Thank A Giver (TAG) Day. TAG Day provides a great opportunity to come together and express gratitude to Solebury School's donors through written thank-you notes.

This year's event saw our students, faculty, and staff write more than 800 thank-you notes to Solebury School supporters. That's twice as much as last year! Throughout the day, students learned about the Solebury Fund and its impact while enjoying music, photo opportunities, and sweet treats.

TAG Challenge

The day also featured a friendly competition between houses called The TAG Challenge to see who could write the most thank-you notes. Students earned 10 house points for every thank-you note that they wrote. At the conclusion of the day, the points were tallied and Holmquist was announced as the winning house with 328 cards written. Way to go! 

The Solebury Fund 2023-24 (7/1- 6/30) 

Our goal:
Raised: $580,746