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Athletic Booster Club

Solebury School has a rich tradition of academic and athletic excellence. The Solebury School Athletic Booster Club members believe that academics and athletics go hand in hand for the success of our children. The Booster Club is dedicated to the continued support of our student athletes, coaching staff, trainers, and athletic programs.

Our Mission

The mission of the Solebury School Booster Club is to:

  • Support athletic and academic excellence in all student athletes.
  • Promote active and involved parent and community leadership.
  • Promote sportsmanship and provide supplementary financial support to all Solebury School athletic teams.
  • Maintain our Spartan history and tradition of excellence, which exemplifies our student athletes, coaches, trainers and teams.

In addition, the Booster Club will work with administration, teachers, staff, parents, coaches and student athletes to identify areas of need within the athletic department. In this way we hope to assist in the continued development and support of Solebury's Athletic Program.


One of the critical functions of the Solebury School Booster Club is fundraising. We support various activities throughout the year, including the consistent operation of the athletic center's concession stand, the annual banquet, and more.

Join Us

The Booster Club is always in need of parents who would like to get involved. You can give as much or as little time as you can spare. We have a great time at all of the events and get to meet a lot of parents and students within the Solebury community.

Some areas of need are:

TEAM PARENTS: There is a need for team parents in all sports, but we are especially in need of parents that would like to get involved this spring. A team parent will be the "go to" parent for each sport and help coordinate snacks for athletes, cheer lists (lists of players with their jersey numbers), take photos, and mobile snack sales. Remember that you don't have to do it all! You can coordinate these things with several other parents on the team.

CONCESSION STAND: The Booster Club provides access to the concession stands at all home sporting events. Parent volunteers are needed to man the concession stand during home track meets and mobile concessions for the other sports. Some items that we regularly sell are: 20 oz. Gatorade, soda (Coke, Diet Coke, Sprite), candy, chips and soft pretzels. All help is greatly appreciated!

Who Can Belong to the Booster Club?

The Booster Club is open to all interested parents, teachers, coaches, and staff. Please help us by becoming a representative from your team! It is our hope to have representatives from all sports at Solebury School.

Please contact for more inforamation.